2018年12月20日 星期四

upgrade c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin to WS-C2960-8TC-L

There is difference procedure to upload .bin and .tar extension file in switch flash:

Like for .bin

it just simple steps type
"copy tftp flash:" and then just hit enter button, it will ask you for tftp server ip and Image detail.make sure you use .bin extension

Here is document available on cisco.com for


Switch#copy tftp flash:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin
Destination filename [c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin from (via Vlan1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 11660773 bytes]

11660773 bytes copied in 167.445 secs (69639 bytes/sec)

Switch#dir flash:
Directory of flash:/

  621  -rwx    11660773   Mar 1 1993 01:28:16 +00:00  c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin
    2  drwx         512   Mar 1 1993 00:07:36 +00:00  c2960-lanbase-mz.122-35.SE5

27998208 bytes total (7546880 bytes free)

!--- After you delete the old Cisco IOS image file, there is now !--- over 5 MB of free memory. There is enough room for the upgrade.

Switch#verify flash:c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin
Verified flash:c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin

Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#boot system flash:c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin

01:35:18: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consol
% Type "show ?" for a list of subcommands

Switch#show boot
BOOT path-list      : flash:c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin
Config file         : flash:/config.text
Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
Enable Break        : no
Manual Boot         : no
HELPER path-list    :
Auto upgrade        : yes
Auto upgrade path   :
NVRAM/Config file
      buffer size:   65536

Building configuration...
Switch#wr mem
Building configuration...


Proceed with reload? [confirm]


2018年12月5日 星期三

delete locked w3svc1 x_extend1.log when IIS is in use


  1. Stop the IIS Admin and World Wide Web Publishing services either via the command line or the services.msc console to unlock the file (obviously this will stop IIS, so if you are hosting production sites do this in a maintenance window).
  2. Delete the file.
  3. Configure logging options as documented by Microsoft.
If for some reason you still show it as in use, use Process Explorerto find the process using it. Select Find->File Handle or DLL and enter the file name.

2018年12月1日 星期六

Sony α7R II + Metabone V轉接EF鏡使用心得,七年之癢——與Canon機身和平分手(07.2018更新)


Sony α7R II + Metabone V轉接EF鏡使用心得,七年之癢——與Canon機身和平分手(07.2018更新)

2018年11月14日 星期三

Windows 10 HP notebook login

  1. administrator account is disable 
  2. User account set password
  3. admin mode cmd : compmgmt.msc , set User password 
  4. admin mode cmd : netplwiz , tick and untick "User must enter a user name and password to use this computer" , then apply , then will prompt enter password, enter the password . click ok to exit
  5. 但是就算你設定開機時自動登入,登入介面也會在鎖定介面出現,小編希望連這些鎖機介面都略過,你需要在 Windows 設定→帳號→登入選項之中,在「需要登入」的拉下選單之中選擇「永不」follow "https://www.newmobilelife.com/2015/08/24/win-10-auto-login/" 

2018年11月10日 星期六

[RESOLVED] How to reduce very large catalog size?

You do not have to use full cataloging if you want to perform file recovery from disk images (unless they're stored on tapes). Without catalog you only lose an ability to search for files by their size or modified date or select a version for restore from a set of version for a given file. If you know the exact date and file path, you can restore it with reduced cataloging too.

Just answering my own question here - Acronis advised to delete the catalog subfolders with the large catalog files. So my steps were to set cataloging to Fast instead of full, delete the catalog folder with the large catalog file, and cycle the Acronis services.


Hello Julien,
the files in the system directory are just the cache of the files residing next to the .tib files. You can delete them, but they will be recreated as soon as you address to the vault where the tibs are. For now, the only way to stop this behavior is:
1) to switch off cataloging (Edit backup plan > Plan parameters > Backup options > Backup cataloging)
2) to delete the files manually from both the system directory and the vault you are backing up to.
A kind of cataloging still will be performed, but the files will not be so huge.



1. Catalog is too big

If Catalog is too big you can:

2018年11月7日 星期三

Install Pickit 3 programmer manual

Download PICkit 3 Setup A.exe

other version not work

only try this “PICkit 3 Setup A.exe” (URL : http://www.diybcq.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=28725)

3MB here : https://we.tl/t-pWh98EWvtE

if you notebook running Windows 7 64Bit ,

after install  go C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\PICkit 3\

right click PICkit 3.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Compatibility Mode -> Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> “Tick” Run this program as administrator -> Apply -> Ok.

then run


2018年10月28日 星期日

etherchannel and spanning-tree

1. Etherchannel

EtherChannel considerations
info http://packetlife.net/blog/2010/jan/18/etherchannel-considerations/


I was doing a bit of searching on PAgP & LACP and found this, thought it might come in handy for some. I never realised the commands did what is stated below, must have missed this in the book or had one too many wines at that point 

channel-group [#] mode on (disables PAgP en LACP)
channel-group [#] mode off (disables PAgP en LACP and prevent the ports to form a port-channel)
channel-group [#] mode auto (use PAgP in a passive mode, it will wait until a PAgP packet will be send)
channel-group [#] mode passive (use LACP in a passive mode, it will wait until a PAgP packet will be send)
channel-group [#] mode desirable (use PAgP in an active mode, it will start to send  PAgP packets)
channel-group [#] mode active (use LACP in an active mode, it will start to send  LACP packets)


假設現時有 16 個 Port 在同一個 EtherChannel,由於所有 Port Priority 預設都是 32768,因此系統選擇 Port ID 最小的 8 個 Port 成為 Active Port,其他則成為 Hot Standby。

2. Spanning-tree
info (https://www.jannet.hk/zh-Hant/post/spanning-tree-protocol-stp/

sh spanning-tree

2018年10月23日 星期二

vSphere doesn't show health status for the server / pwhicu / vmware VIM_VCDB clean up as Vmware support team do

problem : health status monitoring alert , not show , keeping show blank and 

vCenter Service Status show blank

Health status alarms can also be associated with vCenter services.

In your vSphere client go to the home page with the tiered icons, in Administration, go to "vCenter Service Status" and you'll probably find something in there that is causing the alarm to be triggered.

 No Service "vCenter Single Sign-on " running or installed . ( due to vmware auto update uninstalled) ? 

Sphere doesn't show health status for the server

MillionDollarMan Mar 14, 2013 at 8:03 PM 
I'm not sure if this is too late (or now irrelevant), but just in case a quicker way is wanted, you can restart the necessary service through vSphere Client:

Click the affected Host(s) in vCenter
Click Configuration
Click Security Profile
Click Firewall Properties
Highlight CIM-Server
Click Options
Click Restart

result : not work . 

then , manual , stop and then start . 
status : show running afterward 

follow up : REMEMBER to click update (if present , not blank) . then wait in "Hardware Status" tab for 5 mins . (this confirm not work)



2018年10月18日 星期四

2018年10月12日 星期五

[SOLVED] Large disk space consumption in C:\ProgramData\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\MMS\Catalog\


I got a instance of ABR 11 for Windows Deployed on a Windows 2008 R2 x64, ABR11 is the result of an upgrade ABR 10.
ABR 10 was installed on disk C (40Gb for OS only)
Since ABR 11 is deployed, we experiences lack of disk space on system disk C.
After investigations, we found that Acronis took between 6 and 11Gb in the Acronis directory :
C:\ProgramData\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\MMS\Catalog\A1B35874-6F6B-8536-1104-C552CE5851A5\002F28D8-719B-4FF5-BE8C-79951BCAF8AF\Index\ with larges files (2/3Gb) called like 7F51FF1D-99D9-4DF1-A12B-688E12097320 ...
Is there a way to stop this behavior ? No more big 3GB files in this système directory? Create this file on the backup volume next to the .tib files (There is a Catalog directory with similar files in int (naming + size)
Thanks for your support.
Best regards,
Julien Duvault
Regular Poster
Posts: 0
Comments: 177
Hello Julien,
the files in the system directory are just the cache of the files residing next to the .tib files. You can delete them, but they will be recreated as soon as you address to the vault where the tibs are. For now, the only way to stop this behavior is:
1) to switch off cataloging (Edit backup plan > Plan parameters > Backup options > Backup cataloging)
2) to delete the files manually from both the system directory and the vault you are backing up to.
A kind of cataloging still will be performed, but the files will not be so huge.
Posts: 0
Comments: 1
Try to see

windows 2008 reboot event id /Get BIOS Information from Windows Command Prompt

windows 2008 reboot event id

  • Event ID 6005: “The event log service was started.” ...
  • Event ID 6006: “The event log service was stopped.” ...
  • Event ID 6008: "The previous system shutdown was unexpected." ...
  • Event ID 6009: Indicates the Windows product name, version, build number, service pack number, and operating system type detected at boot time.

Get BIOS Information from Windows Command Prompt

C:\Users\homartin>wmic bios get /format:list

BIOSVersion={"DELL   - 1072009","BIOS Date: 11/18/15 16:44:30 Ver: A09.00 "}
Caption=BIOS Date: 11/18/15 16:44:30 Ver: A09.00
Description=BIOS Date: 11/18/15 16:44:30 Ver: A09.00
Manufacturer=Dell Inc.
Name=BIOS Date: 11/18/15 16:44:30 Ver: A09.00

2018年10月9日 星期二

discharge summary web page cannot be reach , then IIS 重新啟動 ,

discharge summary web page cannot be reach , then
problem : sql 2008 reporting service configuration manager , even cannot be "connect" ( cannot click connect) 

1. IIS 重新啟動 ,  cmd -> iisreset /restart (Link)
1.1 Done , problem solved
2. check back discharge summary.
3. double check

Navigate to Start → All Programs → Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 →Configuration Tools → Reporting Services Configuration Manager. 2. In theReporting Services Configuration Connection dialog, make sure that your localreport server instance (for example SQLExpess) is selected and click Connect.

2018年9月19日 星期三

sql 2008 reportdb detach

What does “Drop Connections” and “Update Statistics” in the “Detach Database” dialog do?

Drop Connections will force the database into Single User mode before detaching the database, thereby forcing all users to disconnect. If you don't check-mark that option, and users are connected to the database, the database will not be detached.

Update Statistics will refresh any out of date statistics before detaching the database. If you leave this option un-checked, statistics objects will remain as they were at the time you detached the database

在 SQL Server 中如何成功卸離資料庫


How long will a database detach take?

Pareng Joseph...musta na?ang dbWizards?

A detach time depends on how big the database is.  In our environment (average 50-100GB database size) we don't do detach regularly as it takes on the average 5-20 mins.  You mentioned that your transaction log files grow very big.  There are a lot of reasons why the database files grow very big.  A few of them are:

• Uncommitted Transactions
• Extremely Large Transactions
• While Restoring from Transaction Log Backups
• Client Applications Do Not Process All Results
• Queries Time Out Before a Transaction Log Completes the Expansion and You Receive False 'Log Full' Error Messages
• Unreplicated Transactions

What we do is we monitor the databases on what is causing the transaction log file of a database to grow unexpectedly.  After finding the root cause, we resolve accordingly.  A recent issue in our environment indicates that the application codes are not committing transactions properly.  So we asked our application vendor to modify the application which eventually solved the problem.

For more details on transaction log files growing unexpectedly, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317375/

2018年8月31日 星期五

TEXT(F440,0) INT(F440) How To Vlookup Numbers Stored As Text In Excel?


How To Vlookup Numbers Stored As Text In Excel?

2. If your lookup value is number format, and the ID number in the original table is stored as text, the above formula will not work, you should apply this formula: =VLOOKUP(TEXT(G1,0),A2:D15,2,FALSE) to get the correct result as you need.

2018年8月22日 星期三

How To Safely Delete SQL Server ErrorLog Files

How To Safely Delete SQL Server ErrorLog Files

By default SQL Server stores seven ErrorLog files named:
  • ErrorLog
  • ErrorLog.1
  • ErrorLog.2
  • ErrorLog.3
  • ErrorLog.4
  • ErrorLog.5
  • ErrorLog.6
n SQL Server 2005 and later versions, the ErrorLog files are stored in the c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG folder.  The ErrorLog file contains the newest information; the ErrorLog.6 file contains the oldest information. 

If one of the ErrorLog files has grown to a large size, the ErrorLog files can be manually cycled by running the sp_cycle_errorlog Stored Procedure.  

  • ErrorLog manually

In SQL Server Management Studio, open the MANAGEMENT folder, then right click on SQL SERVER LOGS and say CONFIGURE.  Check the LIMIT ERROR LOGS box and set the number to 30 (a month's worth).  Now, set up a new job in the SQL Agent that runs sp_cycle_errorlog every night at midnight.

Found on Spiceworks: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/564167-clearing-sql-server-errorlog-files?utm_source=copy_paste&utm_campaign=growth

2018年8月15日 星期三

cisco ap 1602 data rate to set 802.11g only


Command Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode. Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The 2.4-GHz radio and 2.4-GHz N radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio and 5-GHz N radios radio 1.

speed 802.11b, 2.4-GHz radio: {[1.0] [11.0] [2.0] [5.5] [basic-1.0] [basic-11.0] [basic-2.0] [basic-5.5] | range | throughput} 802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio: {[1.0] [2.0] [5.5] [6.0] [9.0] [11.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [54.0] [basic-1.0] [basic-2.0] [basic-5.5] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] [basic-11.0] [basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] [basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] | range | throughput [ofdm] | default } 802.11a 5-GHz radio: {[6.0] [9.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [54.0] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] [basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] [basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] | range | throughput | default}

cisco ap install guide celling mount


2018年8月10日 星期五

cisco 1242 dtim wmm

Choosing “Mixed 802.11g, 802.11b and 802.11n” and using WMM function are forbidden
for wireless mode.

When client devices receive a beacon that contains a DTIM, they normally wake up to check for pending packets. Longer intervals between DTIMs let clients sleep longer and preserve power. Conversely, shorter DTIM periods reduce the delay in receiving packets but use more battery power because clients wake up more often.

The default beacon rate is 2, which means that every other beacon contains a DTIM. Enter a beacon rate between 1 and 100.

WMM is in QoS , 

QoS is disabled by default (however, the radio interface always honors tagged 802.1P packets even when you have not configured a QoS policy). This section describes how to configure QoS on your access point. It contains this configuration information:

2018年8月9日 星期四

Reporting Service for SQL 2008

Procedure for update Reporting Service for SQL 2008

1. copy live folder to another
2. RptPrj_NDSICU.sln
3. Open Solution Explorer if you cannot see
4. Open the form you need to change. example : SubRpt_partF.rdl
5. Save all
6. on Solution Explorer , right click on very top . RptPrj_NDSICU
7. Click Clean
8. Click Build
9. on Debug , click Start Debugging
10. will show the preview
11. Select Bed-09 , then on right side click "View Report"
12. if ok , on Solution Explorer , right click on very top . RptPrj_NDSICU. Click Deploy
13. when uploading finish . will show 1 success 0 fail

2018年8月1日 星期三

Tip: Configure a User Account to Log On Automatically on Windows 7

. Click Start, type netplwiz, and then press Enter.
2. In the User Accounts dialog box, click the account you want to automatically log on to.If it is available, clear the Users Must Enter A User Name And Password To Use This Computer check box.
3. Click OK. 
4. In the Automatically Log On dialog box, enter the user’s password twice and click OK. 


2018年6月26日 星期二

Cisco 2960C-8TC-S vs 2960L-8TS-LL


cisco 2960 l vs 2960c

2960 lan lite vs lan base


non swap and upgrade or downgrade

2018年6月1日 星期五

2017/18 申請扣除支出及開支


page 5 資本開支的免稅額 20. 根據該條例第 12(1)(b)條,納稅人可扣除「按照第 VI 部就 機械或工業裝置的資本開支 而計算的免稅額,而該等機械或工 業裝置的使用對產生該應評 稅入息是屬必要的」 。 有關計算上 述條文的免稅額的資料,載於《稅務條例釋義及執行指引》第 7 號 (修訂本 )。





2018年5月16日 星期三

Listing information about all database files in SQL Server in MB size


    db.name AS DBName,
    type_desc AS FileType, size * 8/1024 AS MBSize,
    Physical_Name AS Location
    sys.master_files mf
    sys.databases db ON db.database_id = mf.database_id

Table Size

Here is another method: using SQL Server Management Studio, in Object Explorer, go to your database and select Tables

Then open the Object Explorer Details (either by pressing F7 or going to View->Object Explorer Details). In the object explorer details page, right click on the column header and enable the columns that you would like to see in the page. You can sort the data by any column too.