首先我会把Chrome浏览器装好,在dev tools => console里直接练习熟悉基本语法,变量,数据类型,数学运算,字符串运算,条件,循环基本结构,简单函数定义和调用这些,之所以用chrome dev tools,是因为这时候我不想费劲折腾单独的编辑器,也不需要在开文件和文件夹,然后去配一些工具最终才接触到真正的JS编程,我想尽可能直接而少干扰就开始写JS,这是最重要的,我学JS,当然应该尽快写JS
- Go to
chrome://flags/ , enable the "Enable Developer Tools experiments" flag and restart Chrome (or start it with the --enable-devtools-experiments command-line flag.)
- Open DevTools, go to the
Settings dialog, switch to the Experiments tab.
- Enable the "Snippets support" experiment, close and reopen DevTools.
- Go to the
Sources panel. In the left-hand navigator sidebar, switch to the Snippets tab .
- Right-click in the [empty] tree in this tab, select the
New context menu item.
- Give the new snippet any name you like and type the snippet body.
- Once done, click the
Run (> ) button in the status bar to execute the snippet body. You can set breakpoints in snippets and debug them as ordinary scripts.