2023年7月30日 星期日

pdf convert to jpg comand line windows magick + ghostscript



ImageMagick-7.1.1-15-Q8-x64-static.exe Win64 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component


->Postscript and PDF interpreter/renderer:



Ghostscript 10.01.2 for Windows (64 bit) Ghostscript AGPL Release


troubleshooting install 


pdf convert to jpg comand line windows

To convert a PDF file to a JPG image using the command line in Windows, you can use a tool called ImageMagick. Here are the steps:

  1. Download and install ImageMagick from the official website: https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#windows

  2. After installation, open the command prompt or PowerShell.

  3. Navigate to the directory where the PDF file is located. For example, if the PDF file is in the "C:\Documents" directory, use the following command: cd C:\Documents

  4. To convert the PDF file to a JPG image, use the following command:

    magick convert input.pdf output.jpg

    Replace "input.pdf" with the name of your PDF file and "output.jpg" with the desired name for the JPG image.

  5. Press Enter to execute the command. ImageMagick will convert the PDF file to a JPG image.

Please note that you need to have ImageMagick installed on your system to use this method.

pdf convert to jpg comand line magick high defination

To convert a PDF file to a high-definition (HD) JPG image using ImageMagick on the command line, you can specify the desired resolution and quality settings. Here's an example command:

magick convert -density 300 -quality 90 input.pdf output.jpg

In this command, the -density option sets the resolution to 300 dots per inch (dpi), which is a typical value for HD images. The -quality option sets the compression quality to 90%, which is a high-quality setting that results in a larger file size. 


