2021年3月19日 星期五

MFS by pass Chrome: Bypass “Your connection is not private” Message


Chrome: Bypass “Your connection is not private” Message

Whenever you attempt to visit a website with an invalid security certificate, you may get a warning that says:

Option 3 – Allow Invalid Certs from Localhost

This option will only work for requests to localhost over HTTP.

  1. In the Chrome address bar, type “chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost
  2. Select the “Enable” link.


Note: Only perform these steps if you’re sure of what you’re doing and are sure that there is no attempt to compromise your connection.


Disable below 

Block insecure private network requests.

Prevents non-secure contexts from making sub-resource requests to more-private IP addresses. An IP address IP1 is more private than IP2 if 1) IP1 is localhost and IP2 is not, or 2) IP1 is private and IP2 is public. This is a first step towards full enforcement of CORS-RFC1918: https://wicg.github.io/cors-rfc1918 – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android


