2019年12月30日 星期一

cisco 2960 ios upgrade



archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash:




Directory of flash:/

    2  -rwx         916   Mar 1 1993 00:03:55 +00:00  vlan.dat
    3  drwx         192   Mar 1 1993 01:00:34 +00:00  c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12
    4  -rwx        2229   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  config.text
    5  -rwx        1913   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  private-config.text
    6  -rwx        2072   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  multiple-fs
    7  drwx         192   Mar 1 1993 00:07:34 +00:00  c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE4
 1117  -rwx         108   Mar 1 1993 01:02:05 +00:00  info

32514048 bytes total (7432704 bytes free)
Switch#delete /f
Switch#delete /re
Switch#delete /recursive /for
Switch#delete /re
Switch#delete /recursive for
Switch#delete /recursive force
Switch#delete /recursive /force
Switch#delete /recursive /force c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE4
Directory of flash:/

    2  -rwx         916   Mar 1 1993 00:03:55 +00:00  vlan.dat
    3  drwx         192   Mar 1 1993 01:00:34 +00:00  c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12
    4  -rwx        2229   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  config.text
    5  -rwx        1913   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  private-config.text
    6  -rwx        2072   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  multiple-fs
 1117  -rwx         108   Mar 1 1993 01:02:05 +00:00  info

32514048 bytes total (18982912 bytes free)
Switch#show boot
BOOT path-list      : flash:/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE4/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE4.bin
Config file         : flash:/config.text
Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
Enable Break        : no
Manual Boot         : no
HELPER path-list    :
Auto upgrade        : yes
Auto upgrade path   :
NVRAM/Config file
      buffer size:   65536
Timeout for Config
          Download:    0 seconds
Config Download
       via DHCP:       disabled (next boot: disabled)
Directory of flash:/

    2  -rwx         916   Mar 1 1993 00:03:55 +00:00  vlan.dat
    3  drwx         192   Mar 1 1993 01:00:34 +00:00  c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12
    4  -rwx        2229   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  config.text
    5  -rwx        1913   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  private-config.text
    6  -rwx        2072   Mar 1 1993 00:00:58 +00:00  multiple-fs
 1117  -rwx         108   Mar 1 1993 01:02:05 +00:00  info

32514048 bytes total (18982912 bytes free)
Switch#cd c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12
Directory of flash:/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12/

  562  -rwx         539   Mar 1 1993 00:56:30 +00:00  info
  563  -rwx     9827106   Mar 1 1993 01:00:34 +00:00  c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12.bin
  564  drwx        4928   Mar 1 1993 01:02:05 +00:00  html

32514048 bytes total (18982912 bytes free)
Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
boot system flash:/ c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE1                    ^2.bin

% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Switch(config)#boot system flash:/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12/c2960-lanbase$
Switch#sho w
*Mar  1 01:17:01.183: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by conso
% Type "show ?" for a list of subcommands
Switch#show boot
BOOT path-list      : flash:/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE12.bin
Config file         : flash:/config.text
Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
Enable Break        : no
Manual Boot         : no
HELPER path-list    :
Auto upgrade        : yes
Auto upgrade path   :
NVRAM/Config file
      buffer size:   65536
Timeout for Config
          Download:    0 seconds
Config Download
       via DHCP:       disabled (next boot: disabled)

2019年11月8日 星期五

mirth connect decision

cause using itext5.5.1 will also read the chinese charater , so i change to xpdfreader's pdftotext.exe

here is the parameter i use:

C:\xpdf-tools-win-4.02\bin64>pdftotext.exe -raw -eol unix XXEAM_WORK_ORDER_EMAIL

will return file with no empty space row and end with "LF" Character set.

2019年11月5日 星期二

How to keep Ghost from automatically resizing partitions C500

How to keep Ghost from automatically resizing partitions

When Ghost performs a disk clone, or restores a disk image, it resizes all partitions based on their data space requirements in relation to the free space on the destination drive. Because of the resizing, an image created from a hard drive and then restored to the same hard drive, may have different sized partitions than the original source.

To prevent Ghost from automatically resizing the partition, use the SZE switch as follows:

When the source and destination drives are the same size
If you have two drives of the same size, use the following switch to keep the partitions from being resized:

Use the SZEE switch in the -CLONE statement. For example:


mirth connect basic self learn how to add code template

on thread https://www.mirthcorp.com/community/forums/showthread.php?p=47649#post47649

can download the xml Attached FilesFile Type: xml executeRuntimeCommand.xml (1.2 KB, 158 views)
, but could not import.

when notepad++ edit it . I try to reference Youtube and add code template .

2019年10月30日 星期三

Save Emails and Attachments in mirth or google GAS ( Google Action Script)

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdgCVqtcIw4 learn the basic (

Moayad Abu Rmilah)

2) modify Geek : https://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2017-01/30-save_gmail_attachments_to_google_drive

if have $$$ , can use below ,but limited to 15 min fetch email interval not match requirement.

3) Wohh .. can save the file . but next big thing to rename the pdf file by reading google drive pdf file meta data . like Corrective or Preventive Metadata as file name.

4) or some reason your file is not valid. Log the id After this line: var id = children[i].id; Add: Logger.log('id: ' + id) Run the code, then from the View menu, choose Logs. If there is no id or if there is no file with that id then the variable file may not be a valid file. – Alan Wells Jun 11 '18 at 15:54

ges and attachments from Gmail to Google Drive and Team Drives. Emails are archived a

Step 5) due to office outlook 365 cannot forward email to outsider domain. email cannot auto send to gmail.

Remark) by search : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34837707/how-to-extract-text-from-a-pdf-file

found http://www.xpdfreader.com/pdftotext-man.html is a good windows tool from pdf to text.

Step 6) decide using mirth , run external cmd .create text meta data content. txt

            Use mirth read and rename the file by using meta data text file content.

            link : https://github.com/nextgenhealthcare/connect-examples/tree/master/Code%20Templates/Execute%20Runtime%20Command

11:55 AM 11/2/2019 update : 

Why PDF is complicated in Mirth



ownload and backup email messages and attachments from Gmail to Google Drive and Team Drives. Emails are archived as PDF files.
Save Emails is an email backup and archiving add-on for Gmail that lets you automatically download email messages and file attachments from Gmail to Google Drive. You can also save Gmail messages in  shared Team Drives.

The email threads are converted into high-quality print-ready PDF files while the file attachments are saved to Google Drive in their original native format.

You can use the Gmail archiver to backup important emails, video files,  timesheets, photos, Microsoft Office documents, travel receipts, expenses and other emails easily from Gmail to your Google Drive. It works with Gmail, Google Inbox and G Suite (Google Apps) accounts.

Check the help manual at https://digitalinspiration.com/docs/GA02 to know more about capabilities of Save Emails addon.

Attorneys have used Save Emails to download and print all email correspondence related to a litigation with few clicks. Teachers can download student assignments in respective student folders automatically. Corporate users can save Uber receipts for claiming expenses. Sellers can archive PayPal invoices and payment receipts as PDFs.

The program runs in the background, once every hour, but you also have an option to run the rules manually. Go to Add-ons > Saves Emails and Attachments > Manage Rules and select any rule from the dropdown to download the matching emails.

How to Use Save Emails

To get started, use the built-in wizard to create a rule and any email messages in Gmail that matches this rule will be automatically saved to a specific folder in your Google Drive. You can organize the saved emails in date-based sub folders to avoid cluttering the main folder.

Unlike email automation solutions like IFTTT or Zapier only work on new and incoming messages, the Save Emails add-on can also download old emails to your Google Drive. All the activity is logged inside a Google Spreadsheet for quick search and reference.

For instance, you can have a rule where emails from Expedia and Trip Advisor are automatically saved to the Travel folder in your Google Drive. Or a rule where all emails with "backup" in the subject line are saved to the project folder in Google Drive. If you are running out of space in your Gmail account, you can setup a rule for message size and all emails with large attachments are saved to Drive.

Advanced Uses

You can customize the file names of saved emails and attachments with variables. For instance, you can set the attachment name as {{Sender}} {{Subject}} to include the sender's name and the email subject in the attachment file name.

You can also choose to overwrite files in Google Drive if an attachment with a similar name already exists in the same folder. Google Drive allows you to have multiple files with a similar name in the same folder.

Free vs Premium

The add-on is free and fully functional. Premium version includes several extract features including:

1. Create an unlimited number of rules for downloading Gmail messages to Google Drive.
2. Emails are saved every 15 minutes while the free edition downloads emails once every hour.
3. Rename PDF files and email attachments based on the email subject, sender or date.
4. Save emails in separate folders based on the email headers.
5. Skip downloading smaller files.
6. Allow or disallow saving of file attachments of specific types.
7. Overwrite existing Google Drive files (useful for keeping a single copy of disk backups)
8. Specify your own custom formats for printing dates in PDF files.
9. Save PDF files in your own Drive folder or a Team Drive folder owned by another user in the organization.
10. Download files and email in Google Team Drive folders.


To upgrade to premium, go to Add-ons menu - Save Emails - Upgrade to Premium.

* Help Manual - https://digitalinspiration.com/docs/GA02

* Premium Upgrade - https://digitalinspiration.com/GA02

* Email Support - https://digitalinspiration.com/support

* Video tutorial: http://youtu.be/JfyfqM5Ww8k

Geek : https://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2017-01/30-save_gmail_attachments_to_google_drive

2019年10月24日 星期四

mbssid ap 是什么意思?

mbssid ap 是什么意思?

MBSSID AP 隔离:基于无线MAC地址的访问控制功能,启用此功能后,连接到同一SSID的无线客户端之间不能互相访问。


设置路由器的主SSID与次SSID分别为AP1、AP2,计算机PC1、PC2使用无线网卡都连接到AP1,PC3、PC4连接到AP2。启用MBSSID AP隔离功能后,PC1、PC2将不能互相通信,但可以与连接到AP2的无线客户端进行通信,同理PC3、PC4也不能相互通信,但能和AP1上的客户端进行通信。此功能实现连接到同一SSID的无线客户端通讯隔离。

AP 隔离:基于SSID的访问控制功能,连接到主SSID与次SSID的无线客户端之间不能互相访问,使用此功能可以进一步增强无线网络安全。



如果要实现连接到AP上所有的无线客户端之间的通讯隔离功能,请同时启用MBSSID AP隔离、AP隔离功能。

2019年9月30日 星期一

Convert PDF into TXT mirth itext


Old 07-10-2014, 11:08 AM
OBX.1 Kenobi
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 34
gomezmsebastian is on a distinguished road

there's a PdfTextExtractor (http://api.itextpdf.com/itext/com/it...Extractor.html) that facilitates hugely the conversion (as we can see in http://itextpdf.com/examples/iia.php?id=296)
that function is alvailable only from the 2.1.4 version of iText, and since i'm using Mirth 2.2, the iText version that comes with it is 2.0.8... so =(

by the way, Mirth 3.0 does come with iText 2.1.4

but I already try to "migrate" the mirth version (loading my current channel in v3) and it didn't work, so... HELP!

2019年8月12日 星期一

windows infinity gateway to run on win 10

1 . try hyper-v , convertor to hyper-v vhd .
2. not work for dongle license
3. change back to vmware player , may have problem on support multi LAN
4. uninstall hyper v software , follow link 

  1. Disable the group policy setting that was used to enable Credential Guard.
    1. On the host operating system, click Start Run, type gpedit.msc, and click Ok. The Local group Policy Editor opens.
    2. Go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Device Guard > Turn on Virtualization Based Security.
    3. Select Disabled.
  2. Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program Turn Windows features on or off to turn off Hyper-V.
  3. Select Do not restart.
  4. Delete the related EFI variables by launching a command prompt on the host machine using an Administrator account and run these commands:
    mountvol X: /s
    copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y
    bcdedit /create {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} /d "DebugTool" /application osloader
    bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} path "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi"
    bcdedit /set {bootmgr} bootsequence {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215}
    bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} loadoptions DISABLE-LSA-ISO,DISABLE-VBS
    bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} device partition=X:
    mountvol X: /d
    Note: Ensure X is an unused drive, else change to another drive.
  5. Restart the host.
  6. Accept the prompt on the boot screen to disable Device Guard or Credential Guard.

2019年6月27日 星期四

how you get help on autocad

1. you have license
2. register a case . so you have case number
3. on reply email. get help link https://knowledge.autodesk.com/contact-support/account-management/account-creation-sign-profile-management

4. get chat
5. teamviewer
6. they will remote soft

Chat content


You are currently number   in the queue. Your wait time was estimated at  based on the average wait time of 0 minutes(s). Thank you for your patience as we connect you to an agent.
 David N: Thanks for contacting Autodesk. My name is David and I’ll be helping you today.
Let me review the information you provided—I’ll be with you in just a moment.
Me: hi david
Me: i have AEC collection license with product code 02HI1, this will matching to which product ?
Me: while AutoCAD 202 product key : 001L1
David N: Hi Ko
David N: Each activation key is listed in your Autodesk account
David N: Your only need to sign in for your AEC collection
David N: Your products have been upgraded and no longer need serial numbers
Me: when i deeply check my account , i don't find activation key on my account login
David N: When you hover the mouse over the Circle I
David N: Its rather small
David N: It tells you to sign in to activate this product
David N: Do you see it?
David N: Are you there
David N: ?
Me: It tells you to sign in to activate this product ., but i mouse over the web protal " Sign in" i not clicktable
David N: That is the Autodesk account
David N: It should not be clickable
David N: You download the product
David N: If you read the full article
David N: Scroll down
David N: When you first download and install product
David N: At the activation screen you should select sign in instead of the enter serial number button
David N: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/customer-service/download-install/activate/convert-trial-to-subscription
David N: If you have already downloaded and installed the product
David N: You should follow that guide above
Me: wait
David N: On the top right, manage license button
David N: follow the images on that article it should show you what to click next
Me: on this site which install the software have limited or no internet connection
Me: i download autocad 2020 "broswer download" and then install should be work right ?
Me: scroll down
Me: on "2. Click Enter a serial number and enter the serial number found in the confirmation email you received (or in Autodesk Account and product key.
Me: on step "2. Click Enter a serial number and enter the serial number found in the confirmation email you received (or in Autodesk Account and product key."
David N: Do you have team viewer?
David N: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows/
David N: Please download install and share the session ID and password
David N: I'll remote in and assist you
Me: after install autocad2020 , the product key is generated by autocad2020 software on activiative screen is product key : 001L1
David N: Hi Ko
David N: Please proceed to download team viewer
David N: I'll assist you from that session
Me: when the paper license Hong Kong Software distributer given me is AEC collection license with product code 02HI1, this will matching to which product ?
Me: ok .
David N: I covered the answers earlier to you
David N: Let's proceed to use team viewer and I can show you how it works :)
Me: wait let's me start the team viewer
David N: Yes
David N: Look at the monitor when I am connected And I will show you
David N: One thing at a time Ko
David N: Please share the session ID and password
Me: could you show rather than acutually activiate the software on this computer . because now is on testing computer . not actually computer that need to be activate
David N: So you do not have the product installed?
Me: yes . i have autocad 2018 installed
David N: Can you share the session ID and password?
David N: Every product installed on a different computer has its own set up
David N: Different issues come up depending on how your users set up the product. I can show you the ropes
David N: May I have control?
Me: yeap
Me: if activated this computer , with permanatally use 1 seat of license , cause now is test computer
David N: Yes
Me: testing computer .
David N: Like I explained earlier
Me: ok .
David N: Each computer is different
David N: You have Autodesk product function
David N: Then you have your computer issue
David N: Can you then share the actual computer?
David N: If not please read up the links I shared
David N: Any issues you can find online on our Autodesk Knowledge Base
Me: i eman this testing computer is not use autocad permenatlly . ok then i share acutally computer when i am on the actual computer .
Me: what is your working hours from now on to 4 hours later?
Me: cause actual computer is on customer site . i have to travel to there now .
Me: need 2 hours
David N: You can chat with us then
David N: Agents will be online to assist you
David N: You can start a team viewer on the computer
Me: ok .
David N: We can guide and fix the issues on the computers
David N: We have agents around the globe, so you will have support all the time
Me: btw , you have a total AEC collection software link that can install in a batch ?
David N: You have to download from your Autodesk account
David N: Collection has too many files
Me: i disconnect the teamviewer first
David N: I logged out from your screen
Me: ok .
Me: i will contact again . .thanks for help of chatting .
David N: Thank you for contacting Autodesk. Have a great day!

Goodbye for now

2019年6月26日 星期三

autocad setting

Problem :


AEC Industry Collection 2017 Product Key

Just wondering...When installing the 2017 AEC Collection, the product key  (02HI1) for the collection will not let me activate AutoCAD..I had to use the AutoCAD product key (001I1) to activate...is this the correct behavior?  So for each product I install from the collection, I will ahve to get that product key from the list of 2017 Product keys?  That seems very cumbersome and painful.

Please advise if this is truly the correct behavior.


Solution : ::::::::



With the newest release of Autodesk products, we bring you a new list of Autodesk 2020 product keys. Product keys are required for installation of Autodesk products and are used to differentiate products that are both sold independently and as part of a product suite.
For example, installing AutoCAD 2020 as a point product requires product key 001L1, but installing AutoCAD 2020 from the AutoCAD Design Suite Premium 2020 requires product key 768L1. The same version of AutoCAD is in both software packages but the product key differentiates one package from the other.
Note: Please ensure you are using the correct product key for the Autodesk product and version you are installing. Entering an incorrect product key will result in activation errors for that product.
The product keys for Autodesk 2020 products, in alphabetical order. if you need further assistance, email us at support@microsolresources.com.
Product NameProduct Key

Autodesk AutoCAD 2020001L1

while i get product key is : 02HI1

2019年6月1日 星期六




另外我看你的影片是半按快對焦的嗎? 還是讓相機自動去追?





人的話也會變比較有層次感跟立體感,系統也比較不會誤判(橫看成嶺 側成峯)。




2019年5月10日 星期五

after dell latitude 5285 m2 ssd harddisk IC Problem , road to try open your encrypted M2 ssd harddisk

Hi , I have a dell notebook , Windows 10 1709 ssd have problem cannot boot . swapped new ssd , can keep the old ssd . i put the old ssd in USB External drive . Put back to other  Windows 10 1709 , first cannot detect my USB External Drive. Diskmgmt.msc also cannot show that drive.

this dell notebook is bit locker encrypted .
but when i put this old ssd to windows 7 enterprise 7601 version . can show can mount . but cannot unlock. even i have the correct Bitloocker recovery key . Also cannot unlock .

 i not yet try "manage-bde指令" to try to unlock the drive yet

problem is i want to open the bit lockered old ssd with correct recovery key but not successful . ding

 is it because i using different Dell Notebook to open the old ssd , make different ?

 you actulally can the see the bitlocker page ?

on dell-win10 notebook . i can see the bitlocker page . but don't show this "old ssd in usb external drive"

connect Win7 not work ( may cause by different OS version )

connect win 10 ent base image dell latitude 5285 , then update few dell driver to get connect with External USB SSD.

Disconnect the Power docking

then use below tools

finaly test :



-> dell latitude 5285 not a good product

2019年4月15日 星期一

right click to split pdf page 01 02 03 ....


1 . download "PDFUnisci.1.13.1.zip"

2. UNziip , run "PDFUnisci.exe"

3. [0 Step] create Send to , then input  "Yes" in this black dos box .