2017年7月19日 星期三

ePR unsubscribe

Aim to create message auto from sequential database then send

Caution , UNDEPLOY the channel after run. else 1) restart mirth will redepoly 2) keep creating file in high speed in your local harddrive. 3) eat up all your harddisk space 4) hang the mirth and no way to delete

  ALTER TABLE [PWHOT].[dbo].[sheet1]
   ALTER COLUMN patient_key nvarchar(50)

ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTable
   ALTER COLUMN YourColumnName BIT

How to change column datatype in SQL database without losing data

Hints: on DB Quere you can remove "[]"

How to use the Mirth Transformer

Hints :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTAmnfLMO0A

SELECT a.userID, b.usersFirstName, b.usersLastName  FROM databaseA.dbo.TableA a inner join database B.dbo.TableB b  ON a.userID=b.userID

PHHOT.dbo.sheet1 = [PHHOT].[dbo].[sheet1]

Hints: java.lang.Thread.sleep(5000) on Mirth -> Destinations -> Step

How to create a table from select query result in SQL Server 2008 [duplicate]

Hints : SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM OldTable

Convert XML to HL7 messages using Mirth Connect

Hints : http://irwinj.blogspot.hk/2008/12/getting-started-with-mirth-part-1.html

HINTS: Trace: • Mirth Connect Introduction and Tutorial

HINTS : https://amarnathks.wordpress.com/tag/mirth-beginner-tutorial/

Enable Run On Update Statement if you wish to update something after reading data from table. Here i have updated the status flag to 1 such that those details will not be read again. You can now see the selected data values in the right side of On Update SQL.

question : Is it possible to configure the File Writer to create a file name based on the PID.2 segment (chart ID) so each patient account would have it's own file for ADT messages?

HINTS: http://www.mirthproject.org/community/forums/showthread.php?t=11120
Yes, definitely. Extract the PID.2 out into a map variable, and then in the destination settings just drag your map variable into the Filename field

Transformer -> New Step -> Mapper -> change this step to "Channel Global Map"" -> set variable as filenamePatKey , and Mapping as msg['pmhgoodresult_patient_key'].toString()
Destination -> file writer -> on right side " Destination Mapping " you can find filenamePatKey you just create

question : mirth database reader endless loop

HINTS : isdone flag on DB for notice


