2017年3月30日 星期四

ADF subscribed and un-subscribe

mechanism : patient admit , ADT Lab "ADF subscribed and un-subscribe" (?) and other channel send message to HA do subscribed
Discharge , mirth will send un-subscribe message to HA by read Report Server ProDB

problem : if the Ward discharge and archive the patient action so fast , time for Innovian live db prodb sync to ProDB take longer time.  so mirth channel cannot be detect and have un-subscribe action.

Innovian VF7 OT cannot do Central EGC Export

problem : Innovian VF7 OT cannot do Central EGC Export to Innovian.

why : due to CIS Consultant Doctor disable ,

("C:\Program Files (x86)\Dräger Medical\Innovian\utils\CaSetup.exe" Innovian Configuration)

Then C500 no Patient ID . then when Central Click

Export EGC Strip will not have correct ID match and Send to Innovian

Solution : on C500 , Patient Info page . input correct patient ID and Get HIS

2017年3月28日 星期二

Virtual Machine Disks consolidation is needed

I'm always a little reluctant when I'm at a customer and they use a lot of snapshotting, it is a very helpful and useful tool but you have to use it with caution otherwise it could cause big problems. Usually the problems start if snapshots are kept for a longer period of time or if the snapshot a layered onto each other, but even if you are aware of the problems it can cause when it's used wrongly it can still happen that you run into issues when using snapshots.


2017年3月18日 星期六

My NIC keeps getting the same ip 169.254.x.x

Given that your comment under one of the answers that your Wi-Fi works well,
  • Try Disconnect from your WiFi network and enter the following commands in your terminal (run as admin same as elevated command prompt)
  • Type ipconfig /flushdns #This purges the DNS resolver cache.
  • Type ipconfig /registerdns #This Refreshes your DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names. (Note you are still offline)
  • Then Turn on Wi-Fi or plug in LAN cable. if it does not work, start with ipconfig /release and repeat the two commands above. See a similar question with answers

2017年3月15日 星期三

innovian - login show "No Innovian privileges."

when user login  with correct password : No Innovian privileges.

solution : check member depend on which group . and check group Access Right .

mostly un-tick the box some how.

Extra finding:  

user -> profile-> member of = Innovian group ( view the prillavege only , don’t edit here)

4732 delete right , 4733 add right 

CAPI2 or Event ID 4107 or Event ID 11 is logged in the Application log in Windows and in Windows Server  Email

Event ID 4107 or Event ID 11 is logged in the Application log in Windows and in Windows Server  Email

  1. Delete the contents of the directories that are listed here. (%windir% is the Windows directory.) 

    Note You may receive a message that states that you do not have permission to access the folder. If you receive this message, Click Continue.





2017年3月12日 星期日

PCIe x8 NIC in PCIe x16 slot


A x8 card will work in an x1 slot, but will be limited to x1 speeds.
A x8 card will also work fine in a x4 slot. It will be limited to x4 speeds.
A x8 card will also work fine in a x8 slot.
A x8 card will also work fine in a x16 slot. But it will be limited to x8 speeds.

I have seen several posts on the web on installing PCIe x8 graphic card on server motherboad.
I have a IBM X3200 M3 (Xeon 3430 Quad Core) server. Though the server has onboard graphics, I could install successfully a PCIe x8 graphic card.
It takes some time (30-60 seconds) for IBM IMM to show up but works like a charm.
Trust this helps those who would like to convert their server into a kind of workstation.

2017年3月10日 星期五

Wireless Throughput Testing Guide

3) On the Server PC from Command prompt run this command:
Iperf ­-s ­w 1024k
4) On the Client run this command:
iperf -c <ip address of Server> -w 1024k -t 30
Connecting to host, port 5201
[  4] local port 55759 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth
[  4]   0.00-1.00   sec  2.50 MBytes  21.0 Mbits/sec
[  4]   1.00-2.00   sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   2.00-3.00   sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   3.00-4.00   sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   4.00-5.00   sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   5.00-6.00   sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   6.00-7.00   sec  1.75 MBytes  14.7 Mbits/sec
[  4]   7.00-8.00   sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   8.00-9.00   sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   9.00-10.00  sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  10.00-11.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  11.00-12.00  sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  12.00-13.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  13.00-14.00  sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  14.00-15.00  sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  15.00-16.00  sec  1.38 MBytes  11.5 Mbits/sec
[  4]  16.00-17.00  sec  1.38 MBytes  11.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  17.00-18.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  18.00-19.00  sec  1.75 MBytes  14.7 Mbits/sec
[  4]  19.00-20.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  20.00-21.00  sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  21.00-22.00  sec  1.75 MBytes  14.7 Mbits/sec
[  4]  22.00-23.00  sec  1.75 MBytes  14.7 Mbits/sec
[  4]  23.00-24.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  24.00-25.00  sec  1.88 MBytes  15.7 Mbits/sec
[  4]  25.00-26.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  26.00-27.00  sec  1.50 MBytes  12.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  27.00-28.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  28.00-29.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]  29.00-30.00  sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth
[  4]   0.00-30.00  sec  48.6 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec                  sender
[  4]   0.00-30.00  sec  48.6 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec                  receiver

iperf Done.
 5) The results we got in our tests for 802.11g was around 12Mbit/s

When Cisco 1242 new ap config not broadcast the SSID ,add mbssid guest-mode

refer : Autonomous AP with WEP Security

dot11 ssid data2
   vlan 13
   authentication open
   mbssid guest-mode     <- 

interface Dot11Radio1
 ssid data1
 ssid data2
 mbssid      <-

2017年3月9日 星期四

SMS gateway andriod



http://www.swensensoftware.com/im-only-resting  A windows Tool but not good as Advanced REST Client or Postman 

Part 2
This reference LINK

Curl exe download here 
Pre Install .Net 4 you need

  1. Download curl zip
  2. Extract the contents (if you have downloaded the correct version you should find curl.exe)
  3. Place curl.exe in a folder where you keep your software (e.g. D:\software\curl\curl.exe)
  4. To run curl from the command line
    a) Right-hand-click on "My Computer" icon
    b) Select Properties
    c) Click 'Advanced system settings' link
    d) Go to tab [Advanced] - 'Environment Variables' button
    e) Under System variable select 'Path' and Edit button
    f) Add a semicolon followed by the path to where you placed your curl.exe (e.g. ;D:\software\curl)
Now you can run from the command line by typing:

C:\Users\user>curl -d to=12345678 -d message=MessageContent                               

Finish "Andriod SMS Gateway"

2017年3月7日 星期二

Send Emails From The Windows Task Scheduler

How To Easily Send Emails From The Windows Task Scheduler

ask Scheduler doesn’t support authentication, so you can’t provide a username and password for your SMTP server -> Using SendEmail No TLS 

-f you@gmail.com -t person@example.com -u Subject -m This is the body text! -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -xu you@gmail.com -xp password -o tls=yes                           

windows scheduler to run a task every x-minutes?
timeout /t timeToWaitBetweenCallsInSeconds /nobreak
goto :loop
when install email relay on Windows 7 , http://www.wikihow.com/Open-Port-25
emailrelay --help --verbose

E-MailRelay V1.9

usage: emailrelay [-QAdjbegxfhHmlLtXnRBJGrkvV] [--admin=<admin-port>]
  [--admin-terminate] [--anonymous] [--as-client=<host:port>]
  [--as-proxy=<host:port>] [--as-server] [--client-auth=<file>]
  [--client-filter=<program>] [--client-tls] [--client-tls-connection]
  [--close-stderr] [--connection-timeout=<time>] [--debug] [--domain=<fqdn>]
  [--dont-serve] [--filter=<program>] [--filter-timeout=<time>] [--forward]
  [--forward-to=<host:port>] [--help] [--hidden] [--immediate]
  [--interface=<ip-list>] [--log] [--log-file=<file>] [--log-time]
  [--no-daemon] [--no-smtp] [--no-syslog] [--peer-lookup]
  [--pid-file=<pid-file>] [--poll=<period>] [--pop] [--pop-auth=<file>]
  [--pop-by-name] [--pop-no-delete] [--pop-port=<port>] [--port=<port>]
  [--prompt-timeout=<time>] [--remote-clients] [--response-timeout=<time>]
  [--server-auth=<file>] [--server-tls=<pem-file>] [--size=<bytes>]
  [--spool-dir=<dir>] [--syslog] [--tls-config=<flags>] [--verbose]
  [--verifier=<program>] [--version]

  -a, --admin=<admin-port>        enables the administration interface and
                                  specifies its listening port number
  -Q, --admin-terminate           enables the terminate command on the admin
  -A, --anonymous                 disables the smtp vrfy command and sends less
                                  verbose smtp responses
  -q, --as-client=<host:port>     runs as a client, forwarding all spooled mail
                                  to <host>: equivalent to "--log --no-syslog
                                  --no-daemon --dont-serve --forward
  -y, --as-proxy=<host:port>      runs as a proxy server, forwarding each mail
                                  immediately to <host>: equivalent to "--log
                                  --close-stderr --poll=0 --forward-to"
  -d, --as-server                 runs as a server, storing mail in the spool
                                  directory: equivalent to "--log
  -C, --client-auth=<file>        enables smtp authentication with the remote
                                  server, using the given secrets file
  -Y, --client-filter=<program>   specifies an external program to process
                                  messages when they are forwarded
  -j, --client-tls                enables negotiated tls/ssl for smtp client
                                  (if openssl built in)
  -b, --client-tls-connection     enables smtp over tls/ssl for smtp client (if
                                  openssl built in)
  -e, --close-stderr              closes the standard error stream soon after
  -U, --connection-timeout=<time> sets the timeout (in seconds) when connecting
                                  to a remote server (default is 40)
  -g, --debug                     generates debug-level logging if built in
  -D, --domain=<fqdn>             sets an override for the host's fully
                                  qualified domain name
  -x, --dont-serve                disables acting as a server on any port (part
                                  of --as-client and usually used with
  -z, --filter=<program>          specifies an external program to process
                                  messages as they are stored
  -W, --filter-timeout=<time>     sets the timeout (in seconds) for running the
                                  --filter processor (default is 300)
  -f, --forward                   forwards stored mail on startup (requires
  -o, --forward-to=<host:port>    specifies the remote smtp server (required by
                                  --forward, --poll, --immediate and --admin)
  -h, --help                      displays help text and exits
  -H, --hidden                    hides the application window and suppresses
                                  message boxes (requires --no-daemon)
  -m, --immediate                 enables immediate forwarding of messages as
                                  soon as they are received (requires
  -I, --interface=<ip-list>       defines the listening interface(s) for
                                  incoming connections (comma-separated list
                                  with optional smtp=,pop=,admin= qualifiers)
  -l, --log                       writes log information on stderr and to the
                                  event log (but see --close-stderr and
  -N, --log-file=<file>           log to file instead of stderr (%d replaced by
                                  the date)
  -L, --log-time                  adds a timestamp to the logging output
  -t, --no-daemon                 uses an ordinary window, not the system tray
  -X, --no-smtp                   disables listening for smtp connections
                                  (usually used with --admin or --pop)
  -n, --no-syslog                 disables use of the system event log
  -R, --peer-lookup               lookup the account names of local peers to
                                  put in the envelope files
  -i, --pid-file=<pid-file>       defines a file for storing the daemon
  -O, --poll=<period>             enables polling of the spool directory for
                                  messages to be forwarded with the specified
                                  period (zero means on client disconnection)
                                  (requires --forward-to)
  -B, --pop                       enables the pop server
  -F, --pop-auth=<file>           defines the pop server secrets file (default
                                  is "C:\Windows\emailrelay.auth")
  -J, --pop-by-name               modifies the pop spool directory according to
                                  the pop user name (requires --pop)
  -G, --pop-no-delete             disables message deletion via pop (requires
  -E, --pop-port=<port>           specifies the pop listening port number
                                  (default is 110) (requires --pop)
  -p, --port=<port>               specifies the smtp listening port number
                                  (default is 25)
  -w, --prompt-timeout=<time>     sets the timeout (in seconds) for getting an
                                  initial prompt from the server (default is
  -r, --remote-clients            allows remote clients to connect
  -T, --response-timeout=<time>   sets the response timeout (in seconds) when
                                  talking to a remote server (default is 1800)
  -S, --server-auth=<file>        enables authentication of remote clients,
                                  using the given secrets file
  -K, --server-tls=<pem-file>     enables negotiated tls/ssl for smtp server
                                  using the given openssl certificate file
                                  (which must be in the directory trusted by
  -M, --size=<bytes>              limits the size of submitted messages
  -s, --spool-dir=<dir>           specifies the spool directory (default is
  -k, --syslog                    forces system event log output if logging is
                                  enabled (overrides --no-syslog)
  -9, --tls-config=<flags>        sets tls configuration flags (eg. 2 for
                                  SSLv2/3 support)
  -v, --verbose                   generates more verbose output (works with
                                  --help and --log)
  -Z, --verifier=<program>        specifies an external program for address
  -V, --version                   displays version information and exits

To start a 'storage' daemon in background...
   emailrelay --as-server

To forward stored mail to "mail.myisp.net"...
   emailrelay --as-client mail.myisp.net:smtp

To run as a proxy (on port 10025) to a local server (on port 25)...
   emailrelay --port 10025 --as-proxy localhost:25

Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Graeme Walker