2017年1月12日 星期四

List of the CIS ( by a list of commercial software developer)


Commercial software developers
AcuBase Ltd
Anne Beverley, Company Secretary
PO Box 28836, London SW13 8WJ
Tel: 020 8741 1934 Email: anne@acubase.org Website: www.acubase.org
Chameleon Information Management Services Limited
Marc Warburton, Chief Executive
59-61 High Street, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1RH
Tel: 01923 896939 Email: cims@infofl ex-cims.co.uk
Critical Care Audit Limited (Ward Watcher software)
Brian Millar, Director
133 Main Street, Menston, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 6HT
Tel: 01943 875330 Email: brian@critcare.demon.co.uk
Draeger Medical UK
Lesley Youren, Care Area Manager Monitoring and IT
Mark Road, The Willows, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7BW
Email: lesley.youren@draeger.com Website: www.draeger-medical.com
iMDsoft Ltd
Shahar Seri, R&D Director
4 Kiryat Atidim, PO Box 58178, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 3 7682 888
Email: shahar.seri@imd-soft.com Website: www.imd-soft.com
Manchester Royal Infi rmary (MIDAS software)
Jason Ratcliffe, Informatics Manager
Critical Care Directorate, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL
Tel: 0161 276 4714 Email: jason.ratcliffe@cmmc.nhs.uk
Medical Associated Software House Limited (ICARE ICU Program)
Tony Chang, Systems & Customer Support Manager
19 Chipperfi eld Park Road, Bloxam, Nr. Banbury, Oxfordshire OX15 4NX
Tel: 01295 720961 Email: tonychang@medsoft.co.uk
ICNARC Case Mix Programme Updated 30 July 2008
Commercial software developers (continued)
Mela Solutions Limited (MedICUs software)
Cristina Willans, Specialist Software Manager
PO Box 2167, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire SL9 8XF
Tel: 01753 892932 / 480460 Email: cristina.willans@mela.co.uk Website: www.mela.co.uk
Philips Medical Systems (CareVue software)
Jane Leech, Application Specialist
The Observatory, Castlefi eld Road, Reigate RH2 0FY
Tel: 01737 230419 Email: jane.leech@philips.com Website: www.medical.philips.com
St Paul’s Hospital
Peter Dodek, ICU Director
Centre for Health Evaluation & Outcome Science, 1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6Z 1Y6
Email: pedodek@interchange.ubc.ca
System C Healthcare
Sudesh Patel, Systems Development Manager
Brenchley House, Week Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RF
Tel: 01622 691616 Email: sudesh.patel@systemc.com


