2016年7月25日 星期一

How to configure HTTP access to a router using local authentication

How to configure HTTP access to a router using local authentication


This is a sample configuration of local authentication with Cisco IOS  Software Releases 11.3.3.T or later:
aaa new-model
!---Enable Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA).
aaa authentication login default local
!---By default, use local authentication.
aaa authorization exec default local
username one privilege 15 password one
!--- User one is given privilege Level 15 (L15) and can execute all L15 commands.
username three password three
username four privilege 7 password four
!--- User four is given privilege Level 7 (L7) and can execute all commands for L7.
ip http server
!--- Enable HTTP connectivity to the router.
ip http authentication local
!---Specify local authentication for HTTP connections.
privilege exec L7 clear line
!---Change the clear line command to a privilege L7 command (so user four can execute it).
The users configured experience this behavior when they attempt to connect:
User one:
  • The user passes Web authorization if the URL is entered as http://#.#.#.#.
  • After the user Telnets to the router, the user can perform all commands after login authentication.
  • After login, the user is in enable mode (the show privilege command is L15).
  • If command authorization is added to the router, the user still succeeds in all commands.
User three:
  • User fails Web authorization for not having a privilege level.
  • If there is a Telnet to the router, the user can perform all commands after login authentication.
  • User is in non-enable mode after login (The show privilege command is Level 1 [L1]).
  • If command authorization is added to the router, the user still succeeds in all commands.
User four:
    • L1 commands plus the L7 clear line command appears.
    • After a Telnet to the router, the user can perform all commands after login authentication.
    • User is at privilege L7 after login (The show privilege command is L7).
    • If command authorization is added to the router, the user still succeeds in all commands.
    To address HTTP authentication problems, issue one of these commands:
    • debug aaa authentication: Displays information on AAA and TACACS+ authentication.
    • debug aaa authorization: Displays information on AAA and TACACS+ authorization.
    • debug radius: Displays detailed debugging information associated with RADIUS.
    • debug tacacs: Displays information associated with TACACS.
    • debug ip http authentication: Displays the authentication method the router attempted and authentication-specific status messages.

    Cisco IOS Software Version

    • 12.0
    • 12.1
    • 12.2
    • 12.3


