- Issue the command show cdp entry R2. Examine the output. More detailed information about router R2 is displayed including the IP address we can use to reach the router.
- Issue the command show cdp entry *. Examine the output. Detailed information about all directly connected devices is displayed.
- Issue the command show cdp neighbors detail. Examine the output. The same information as the show cdp entry * command is displayed.
08-03-2012 12:56 PM #3
You aren't going to break anything just doing show commands.
These should get you a nice little map to start working with:
sh cdp neighbor
sh lldp neighbor
sh spanning-tree root
sh vlan br
sh int trunk
sh etherchannel summary
sh int status: List of transceiver types, duplex/speed negotiations.
sh protocols: The fastest way I know to get IP/mask info for interfaces.
sh ip protocols: Routing protocol info.
sh ip int | i line|access_list: Determine if an access-list is applied to a port.
sh ip int | i line|access_list|Internet: Same as previous plus adds IP/prefix length configurations. There's lots of good info under sh ip int like MTU, WCCP, CEF, ICMP that you can add to this command if you want.
sh errdisable recovery is good to see if anyone enabled timers to recover from storm-control, bpdugard and such.