2016年4月26日 星期二

show cdp neighbors detail


  1. Issue the command show cdp entry R2. Examine the output. More detailed information about router R2 is displayed including the IP address we can use to reach the router.
  2. Issue the command show cdp entry *. Examine the output. Detailed information about all directly connected devices is displayed.
  3. Issue the command show cdp neighbors detail. Examine the output. The same information as the show cdp entry * command is displayed.

08-03-2012 12:56 PM #3
You aren't going to break anything just doing show commands.
These should get you a nice little map to start working with:

sh cdp neighbor
sh lldp neighbor
sh spanning-tree root
sh vlan br
sh int trunk
sh etherchannel summary
sh int status: List of transceiver types, duplex/speed negotiations.
sh protocols: The fastest way I know to get IP/mask info for interfaces.
sh ip protocols: Routing protocol info.
sh ip int | i line|access_list: Determine if an access-list is applied to a port.
sh ip int | i line|access_list|Internet: Same as previous plus adds IP/prefix length configurations. There's lots of good info under sh ip int like MTU, WCCP, CEF, ICMP that you can add to this command if you want.
sh errdisable recovery is good to see if anyone enabled timers to recover from storm-control, bpdugard and such.

2016年4月25日 星期一

Configuring Internet Explorer for Automatic Logon

To configure Internet Explorer for automatic logon by using Group Policy

  1. Open the Group Policy Management Console, and then either create a new Group Policy Object (GPO) or edit an existing GPO.
  2. Expand Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, expand Internet Explorer, expand Internet Control Panel, and then click Security Page.
  3. In the details pane, double-click Site to Zone Assignment List.
  4. In the Site to Zone Assignment List Properties dialog box, click Enabled.
  5. In the Site to Zone Assignment List Properties dialog box, click Show.
  6. In the Show Contents dialog box, click Add.
  7. In the Add Item dialog box, type the URL of your Communicator Web Access site (for example, https://cwaserver.contoso.com) in the Enter the name of the item to be added box.
  8. Type 1 (indicating the local intranet zone) in the Enter the value of the item to be added box, and then click OK.
  9. In the Show Contents dialog box, click OK.
  10. In the Site to Zone Assignment List dialog box, click OK.
  11. In the Group Policy Management Editor, click Intranet Zone.
  12. In the details pane, double-click Logon options.
  13. In the Logon options Properties dialog box, click Enabled.
  14. In the Logon options list, click Automatic logon only in Intranet zone, and then click OK.
  15. Close the Group Policy Management Editor.

Community Additions


configuring auto logon

this might work...ok

Peace Out!

rsclientprint.cab SSRS R2 Printing Error: An Error occured during printing: x80004005. This error was not happening prior to R2 being installed


Just type and press 'enter' search ... SQL SERVER – Finding Last Backup Time for All Database


SELECT sdb.Name AS DatabaseName,
COALESCE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MAX(bus.backup_finish_date), 101),'-') AS LastBackUpTime
FROM sys.sysdatabases sdb
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset bus ON bus.database_name = sdb.name
GROUP BY sdb.Name

printui /y /n PrinterName

printui /y /n PrinterName


2016年4月23日 星期六

config vlan

摘要:[網路管理]Cisco 配置 VLAN(轉載)

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vlan vlan_id
Switch(config-vlan)# name vlan-name
Switch(config-vlan)# end
Switch# show vlan [id | name] vlan_name
輸入VLAN ID,進入VLAN配置模式。VLAN ID的範圍為1~1001。其中,VLAN 1為系統預設VLAN,不能被建立,也不能被刪除。
name vlan-name(可選)為VLAN命名。如果不為VLAN命名,預設在VLAN ID前加0作為VLAN名稱。例如,VLAN0004是VLAN查看並檢驗VLAN配置 show vlan [id | name] vlan_name
Switch# config terminal
Switch(config)# interface interface-id
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan vlan_id
Switch(config-if)# end
Switch# show interface interface-id
Switch# copy running-config startup-config
指定欲配置的介面後,將埠定義為VLAN成員模式(switchport mode access),並將介面添加至指定的VLAN。
【提示】  若欲將多個埠指定至某個VLAN,必須一一重複執行上述命令。或者採用range指令,一次將多個埠指定至同一VLAN。

Switch# config terminal
Switch(config)# default interface interface-id
使用no vlan vlan_id,可刪除指定的VALN。
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vlan vlan_id
Switch(config-vlan)# no vlan vlan_id
Switch(config-vlan)# end
Switch(config-vlan)# show vlan brief



2016年4月18日 星期一



w, make sure to select Add features instead of “New Installation” as shown below

Service Account - Reporting Services Native mode (Configuration Manager)

Choosing an Account

For best results, specify an account that has network connection permissions, with access to network domain controllers and corporate SMTP servers or gateways. The following table summarizes the accounts and provides recommendations for using them.

Network Service
Network Service is a built-in least-privilege account that has network logon permissions. This account is recommended if you do not have a domain user account available or if you want to avoid any service disruptions that might occur as a result of password expiration policies.
If you select Network Service, try to minimize the number of other services that run under the same account. A security breach for any one application will compromise the security of all other applications that run under the same account.
Local Service
Local Service is a built-in account that is like an authenticated local Windows user account. Services that run as the Local Service account access network resources as a null session with no credentials. This account is not appropriate for intranet deployment scenarios where the report server must connect to a remote report server database or a network domain controller to authenticate a user prior to opening a report or processing a subscription.
Local System
Local System is a highly privileged account that is not required for running a report server. Avoid this account for report server installations. Choose a domain account or Network Service instead.

2016年4月7日 星期四

cd ..\..\Users\ Windows Server 2008, 7: gpupdate to update group policy

cmd mode , right click , quick edit mode for you to highlight
cd ..\..\Users\

pstools \ psexec

Win7 -> Inbound TCP Port 445, all Domain Network

psexec \\DESKTOP101,DESKTOP102 gpupdate.exe /force /boot

psexec \\DESKTOP101 shutdown /r
