2016年1月10日 星期日

Raid Recovery case

1. http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/raid-partition-table-recovery.180621/

On the contrary, since the drives didn't fail and all you did was update the BIOS ,which reset the BIOS, shouldn't wipe the RAID configuration. Just setting your SATA mode to RAID should detect the RAID off the bat if the drives are okay and their ports weren't changed, even after updating the BIOS or resetting it. This has been true for all of the motherboards I've bought in the last 8 years that use some form of fakeraid.

he original configuration for the software RAID device had three RAID 1 devices: md0, md1 and md2, for /boot, swap and /, respectively.

tgalati4's Avatar

Re: Recovering data from WD MBWE II NAS in RAID 1

Well, you certainly have done your homework. The initial failure from using the "debrick" script is possibly related to not having a big enough swap partition on your disk. I assume the NAS has limited RAM and uses a swap partition to extend the RAM. So, double the size of the swap partition to your newdisk1 and try the debrick script again. I presume that each original disk had a 263 MB swap to give you a 512 MB swap, which is a common size for an embedded distribution.

If that doesn't work, then use testdisk and have it fix the partition to type "ext4" instead of RAID. You might be able to do this in parted as well, but try testdisk first. Once it has the label as ext4, then it might have a chance to be mountable under linux using a SATA connector, not in the NAS enclosure.
Last edited by tgalati4; 3 Weeks Ago at 04:35 PM.

You can try Linux LVM, which stands for Logical Volume Manager and see if it is successful in rebuilding the file and directory tables. LVM is built with Ext4 and should mount on just about any Linux distro. 


[實測] 如何以 PC 恢復 Synology/Asustor/QNap NAS 的資料

for test 
1. setup HDD in HP Bios RAID Setting ( will create not bootable for Fedora Linux Volume Disk ?)

2. https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2012/05/08/how-to-mount-software-raid1-member-using-mdadm/
3. df there no md9 in /dev/md9/

usb inserted
Gparted boot up
DONT OPEN testdisk first
sudo fdisk -l  or check Gparted as sdd1
sudo mkdir /mnt/sdd1
sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdd1 /mnt/sdd1
sudo rm -rf *
ref ; http://www.tuxradar.com/answers/296

for mount
gpart live boot cd , mount a ntfs harddisk , ntfs-3g-mount device or resource busy
oppsss ... just stop testdisk

2011-05-29 01:59:41

Registered: 2010-11-02
Posts: 63

Okay so no mention of sdb1 or /mnt/ntfs in there.
I’m grasping at straws, but maybe try these to see if any process has already opened the disk devices:

Solution Here 1. 


