2016年1月25日 星期一

2016年1月22日 星期五

Central rescuer -Copy skip bad block

Disk2 bad block 
Clonezilla not work
Updated : is work , no practical test 

Copy skip bad block


Clone your drive sector-by-sector using a tool that knows how to work around bad sectors, and then use data recovery software on the clone. 

A good freeware cloning tool is ddrescue:


Ddrescue can perform multipass cloning. It clones the easy sectors on the first pass, and attempts the more difficult ones on subsequent passes. It can also clone your drive in reverse, thereby disabling lookahead caching. It keeps a log, allowing it to resume after an interruption. 

The following thread discusses various freeware and commercial cloning tools: 

    restore wimre.wim by Win7 Recovery Gimagex v2

    Conclusion: after bcdboot c:\windows /s c: 

    Not work ,since WinPE locked c:\windows folder 

    Using alternative , diskpart script


    apply > D:\ (but not yet know will overwrite distination )

    bcdboot failed to open handle to resume


    nas換不同型號硬碟 / about raid 1 NAS update

    黑群暉(Hack Synology) [Synology on PC]

    synology 建立 RAID 1 要同品牌硬碟嗎?


    1. 如何轉移所有硬碟資料
    我的機型是DS207+ ,原本裡面裝有2顆500GB HDD,現在不夠了,因此購買2顆1.5TB HDD,請問我要如何快速的將原本2 顆500GB HDD完整複製到新HDD,且原本所有設定都是被保存的

    2.  [分享] Synology RAID 容量升級實錄 (with Seagate 3TB ST3000DM001)

    3.[實測] 如何以 PC 恢復 Synology/Asustor/QNap NAS 的資料

    2016年1月20日 星期三

    Clonezilla Live - 免安裝的單機版還原系統




    Clonezilla Live 是專門供單台電腦使用的還原與備份的自由軟體。Clonezilla Live 可以放在光碟上,或者 USB 隨身碟等開機媒體。兩者我都試過,作出來的還原片或還原碟,開機後,只要按兩三次確認,就可以開始自動還原了,真的很好用。
    個人使用環境:單機單碟的電腦(規劃成 C:, D: 兩磁區),作業系統是 Win XP,檔案系統是FAT32。使用的版本是 clonezilla-live-1.2.2-24。現有更新版本。
    我是 Clonezilla Live 的新手 + Linux 的外行人,有使用上的問題就上官網發問,屢獲專家的指導才成功的,再次感謝 Clonezilla Live 團隊的的努力與熱心指導。
    嘉義縣網吳老師, 對 "Clonezilla Live 對 Windows 系統的備份與還原" 有非常詳盡的說明(圖文並茂), 對新手幫助很大
    請至 Clonezilla Live 官方網站, 點【Clonezilla Live】, 有非常完整的說明
    官方網站的【討論區】也有 Steven Shiau 等專家為你解惑
    濃縮版的使用說明(進階模式)←可直接列印成 3  A4 講義
    1. 手動模式很很麻煩(不常用,等到要用時就忘記,也容易弄錯,又要從頭學起)
    2. 無法製作全自動的還原光碟/USB隨身碟。
    3. 可以為電腦外行的親友作一片全自動還原光碟/USB隨身碟。
    因為進階模式有太多指令,對小弟這種 Linux 的外行人很頭痛。故先用 Excel 整理再列印出來,要用時再依樣一字一字慢慢敲。而既然已整理好,就把它放在網路上供有需要的新手參考。
    本文版權屬於全體作者所有,且以 GNU FDL 授權合約發佈。
    蕭志榥 (steven _at_ nchc org tw)孫振凱 (ceasar _at_ nchc org tw)
    黃國連 (klhaung _at_ gmail com)王耀聰 (jazzwang _at_ nchc org tw)
    王順泰 (c00wht00 _at_ nchc org tw)蔡育欽 (thomas _at_ nchc org tw)

    2016年1月18日 星期一

    Bluetooth Mouse Losing Connection No More!

    Bluetooth Mouse Losing Connection No More!
      1.  services.msc
    1. Double-click the Bluetooth Support service.
    2. If the Bluetooth Support service is stopped, click Start.
    3. On the Startup type list, click Automatic.
    4. Click the Log On tab.
    5. Click Local System account.
    6. Click OK.
    7. If you prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.

    Bluetooth Power Management Setting

    But sadly, my problem wasn’t solved. So then I tried something else. I opened up Device Manager, expanded “Bluetooth Radios”, and double-clicked on the device to open its Properties page – not the enumerator, the device.

    2016年1月10日 星期日

    Raid Recovery case

    1. http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/raid-partition-table-recovery.180621/

    On the contrary, since the drives didn't fail and all you did was update the BIOS ,which reset the BIOS, shouldn't wipe the RAID configuration. Just setting your SATA mode to RAID should detect the RAID off the bat if the drives are okay and their ports weren't changed, even after updating the BIOS or resetting it. This has been true for all of the motherboards I've bought in the last 8 years that use some form of fakeraid.

    he original configuration for the software RAID device had three RAID 1 devices: md0, md1 and md2, for /boot, swap and /, respectively.

    tgalati4's Avatar

    Re: Recovering data from WD MBWE II NAS in RAID 1

    Well, you certainly have done your homework. The initial failure from using the "debrick" script is possibly related to not having a big enough swap partition on your disk. I assume the NAS has limited RAM and uses a swap partition to extend the RAM. So, double the size of the swap partition to your newdisk1 and try the debrick script again. I presume that each original disk had a 263 MB swap to give you a 512 MB swap, which is a common size for an embedded distribution.

    If that doesn't work, then use testdisk and have it fix the partition to type "ext4" instead of RAID. You might be able to do this in parted as well, but try testdisk first. Once it has the label as ext4, then it might have a chance to be mountable under linux using a SATA connector, not in the NAS enclosure.
    Last edited by tgalati4; 3 Weeks Ago at 04:35 PM.

    You can try Linux LVM, which stands for Logical Volume Manager and see if it is successful in rebuilding the file and directory tables. LVM is built with Ext4 and should mount on just about any Linux distro. 


    [實測] 如何以 PC 恢復 Synology/Asustor/QNap NAS 的資料

    for test 
    1. setup HDD in HP Bios RAID Setting ( will create not bootable for Fedora Linux Volume Disk ?)

    2. https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2012/05/08/how-to-mount-software-raid1-member-using-mdadm/
    3. df there no md9 in /dev/md9/

    usb inserted
    Gparted boot up
    DONT OPEN testdisk first
    sudo fdisk -l  or check Gparted as sdd1
    sudo mkdir /mnt/sdd1
    sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdd1 /mnt/sdd1
    sudo rm -rf *
    ref ; http://www.tuxradar.com/answers/296

    for mount
    gpart live boot cd , mount a ntfs harddisk , ntfs-3g-mount device or resource busy
    oppsss ... just stop testdisk

    2011-05-29 01:59:41

    Registered: 2010-11-02
    Posts: 63

    Okay so no mention of sdb1 or /mnt/ntfs in there.
    I’m grasping at straws, but maybe try these to see if any process has already opened the disk devices:

    Solution Here 1. 

    2016年1月9日 星期六

    Testdisk 當出現RAW磁區時

    Testdisk 當出現RAW磁區時,要如何拷貝出檔案 @ 天空的牛 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::


    2016年1月8日 星期五

    crontab xdotool mousemove --sync 1000 10

    crontab -e
    */1 * * * * xdotool mousemove --sync 1000 10
    ESC -> Shift + : -> wq
    sudo rm /etc/cron.deny
    sudo vi /etc/cron.allow
    username... then save
    type xdotoool 
    $show -> $ /bin/xdotool
    systemctl restart crond
    [dmtsai@study ~]$ crontab -l
    0 12 * * * mail -s "at 12:00" dmtsai < /home/dmtsai/.bashrc
    59 23 1 5 * mail kiki < /home/dmtsai/lover.txt
    */5 * * * * /home/dmtsai/test.sh
    30 16 * * 5 mail friend@his.server.name < /home/dmtsai/friend.txt
    # 注意,若僅想要移除一項工作而已的話,必須要用 crontab -e 去編輯~
    # 如果想要全部的工作都移除,才使用 crontab -r 喔!
    [dmtsai@study ~]$ crontab -r
    [dmtsai@study ~]$ crontab -l
    no crontab for dmtsai
    ls -lh /bin/grep
    Sample outputs:
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 172K May 13  2012 /bin/grep
    In the above output example, the 172K is the size of the file. The du command provides the same output in a more user friendly way and it hides all other details too: