2013年6月4日 星期二

2.1 ) VMware KB: Installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)

VMware KB: Installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)

2.1) after debian install , using vmware tools to install

    1. To change to the tmp directory and extract the contents of the tar file into a new directory called vmware-tools-distrib, run:
  • cd /tmp
    • tar -zxvf VMwareTools-<version>.tar.gz
    1. To change directory to vmware-tools-distrib and run the vmware-install.pl PERL script to install VMware Tools, run:
  • cd vmware-tools-distrib
    • ./vmware-install.pl
      • Follow the screen prompts to install the VMware Tools. Options in square brackets are default choices and can be selected by pressing Enter.
      • To compile VMware Tools successfully, you need gcc Compiler and Linux Kernel sources provided by your Linux distribution. Consult your Linux distribution documentation for details on how to install these packages.
      Type following command to see Linux C Compiler location:
    • $ which gcc
    • Output:

      Display gcc version:

      $ gcc -v

    If you are using Debian /Ubuntu Linux , type the command:

    $ sudo apt-get install gccOR# apt-get install gcc
    • It is normal for the console screen to go blank for a short time during the installation when the display size changes.
    • Some warnings or errors are normal, like when a files does not exist.
    • Depending on the Linux distribution, your network service might restart after installation. VMware recommends that you invoke this command from the console and not remotely.
    1. If you are running a GUI interface, restart your X Window session for any mouse or graphics changes to take effect.
    2. To start VMware Tools running in the background during an X Window session, run:
      /usr/bin/vmware-toolbox &
    3. Depending on your environment you may need to unmount the CDROM. To unmount the CDROM, run:
      umount /mnt/cdrom

    4. Depending on your environment, you may need to manually end the VMware Tools installation. To end the VMware Tools install, click VM in the virtual machine menu, then click Guest > End VMware Tools Install.
    1. To remove VMware Tools installation packages, run:
    2. cd
    • rm /tmp/VMwareTools-<version>.tar.gz
    • rm -rf /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib
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