2021年11月25日 星期四

overlay one pdf or ps file on top of another


You can do this with pdf files using the command line tool pdftk using the stamp or background option.


$ pdftk file1.pdf background file2.pdf output combinedfile.pdf

This will only work with a one-page background file. If you have multiple pages, you can use the multibackground command instead.

Display gridlines in a Microsoft Word document


Method #3: Printing Gridlines for Text and Image Alignment

Step #1: Open the Word document containing an image

Open the Word document, and navigate to the page with the image.

Step #2: Turn Gridlines on

Click on View tab on the top menu bar and click on Gridlines to turn it on. A grid should now cover the page.

Fix Ctrl Alt Del not Working on Windows 10 (Solved) JUNE 30, 2021 By KARAN


Solution 1] Via Registry editor

1. Search regedit in your windows 10 Search box and click on Registry editor icon to open Registry editor.


2. Now , go to the following path in the registry editor.


3. Now, check if there is a key named System when you expand policies. If it does not exist, just right click on policies and create new key named System.


Policies New Key



4. Now, in the right side right click and choose New > Dword (32-bit) value named as DisableTaskMgr.


System Dword 32


5. Now, Double click on DisableTaskMgr and change value data to 0.


Disabletaskmge 0


6. Now, close the registry editor window and reboot PC.

2021年11月17日 星期三

increase windows 10 indexing option search with D Drive


  • Suspecting the drive was not being properly recognized as fixed, I checked the indexing locations again under Indexing Options, recalling that I kept seeing a folder displayed with a long ID string, and a tooltip informing me that that particular location was unavailable. I never assumed this to be a problem since I also have USB drives plugged in/out sometimes:


  • PROBLEM FIX: to set the drive to be seen by windows as permanently fixed follow Microsoft's own guide here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3083627/internal-sata-drives-show-up-as-removeable-media

  • If for whatever reason the command mentioned in the MS guide doesn't work follow these steps below

    1. open Registry Editor in administrator mode
    2. browse registry folders to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\storahci\Parameters\Device
    3. add a new "Multi String Value" called "TreatAsInternalPort" and list the bus number for the drive in question:

new registry value

  1. it should look like this once you are done: Registry edited

  2. reboot and check Indexing Options again, you should now see your drive on the selection list.

2021年11月5日 星期五

PR2E Printer



在“配置模式”中,【接口】- 选择【并口】;【并口仿真】-选择【南天-OKI】

本站提供了OKI仿真和EPSON LQ1600K仿真的驱动下载。

【OKI 5530SC驱动安装方法】
1. 下载驱动。点击“OKI仿真驱动【WINXP/WIN7/WIN10驱动 32/64位】”下载。
2. 运行驱动。提示是否安装“Drvsky.com 打印机”,点安装,完成安装会自动添加“Oki 5530SC”打印机。
3. 设置端口。打开控制面板-设备和打印机,找到Oki 5530SC打印机,右键选择“打印机属性”,查看“端口”选项,默认是选择LPT1端口,如果是USB转接线使用USB001之类的端口。