2017年4月30日 星期日

酒莊全名Les Terres de Saint Hilaire(舊名:Abbaye Saint Hilaire )


Aix-en-provence 艾克斯35-45Marseille 馬賽45-60Cannes 坎城一個半小時
Avignon 亞維儂一個半小時Cassis卡西斯 45-60Nice 尼斯二個小時左右

黃色標記為大城市 Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Nice

2017年4月29日 星期六

4k ssd aligment and 新買的SSD速度為什麼很慢?原因在這裏 re-alignment 4k


How to Speed Up Your Solid-State Drive by Re-Aligning Its Partitions

The fastest way we’ve found to do this is to use the free version of MiniTool Partition Wizard–you don’t need to pay for a premium version, the free version can do everything you need. Install it on Windows, launch the partition manager, right-click the partition you want to align, and select “Align”. It’ll do all the hard work for you.

When you’re done, you should hopefully find that you’re getting the best possible speeds out of that blazing fast SSD.

2017年4月28日 星期五

Batch: Copy a list (txt) of files , copy the files only on txt list


@echo off
set src_folder=c:\whatever
set dst_folder=c:\target
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (File-list.txt) DO (
xcopy /S/E "%src_folder%\%%i" "%dst_folder%"

2017年4月27日 星期四

Asus K455L boot USB when start

F2 to enter BIOS

Launch CMS -> enable
pxe -> enable or disable

add Boot Option #1 and #2 as USB

Security -> Security Boot -> Disable

F10 to Save and Quit

When booting ....

ESC long press to select boot Option
youtube video #1 Asus X555L Bios Boot from Usb / Disk Drive
youtube video #2 How to Boot Asus F550 Laptop From Bootable USB Drive to Install Windows 7/8/10

2017年4月25日 星期二

What does 'Log on as a Service' actually mean?

The Log on as a service user right allows accounts to start network services or services that run continuously on a computer, even when no one is logged on to the console.

In short, you only want to provide this right to the accounts that need it - by default, that's the Local System, Local Service and Network Service accounts, because those are what services run under by default.
If you wish to run a service under a different security context (like a service account you create), you would want to grant that service account Log on as a Service rights so that it could run your service without the need for a user to be logged in. The article you link provides IIS and ASP.NET as examples where additional accounts are granted this right; it applies to third-party programs that run as services as well.
If you don't want to you run every service as SYSTEM or NetworkService, you would setup service accounts for individual services and assign them this Log on as a Service right. The main advantage of using service accounts in this way is that if your service is compromised, it's running under the security context of the account running it, rather than the SYSTEM-level security context that SYSTEM and NetworkService have.

如何從 HDD 完整地 Clone 到 SSD 上 (包括原廠還原磁區)


DIY-如何升級筆電SSD與轉移作業系統至SSD - KingKong Bruce記事

2017年4月12日 星期三

Inner Join

Actually these examples are equivalent and neither is a cartesian product. A cartesian product is returned when you join two tables without specifying a join condition, such as in
select *
from t1,t2

Simple way to import data into SQL Server


To begin launch SSMS by clicking SQL Server Management Studio from the Microsoft SQL Server program group.  Upon launching SSMS you will be prompted for a connection; connect to the Database Engine. 

Task -> Import Excel -> create a correct datatype -Done

2017年4月9日 星期日

2017年4月7日 星期五

ESXi install
